Saturday, February 16, 2013

Just be silly once in a while

Yesterday through YouTube, I saw Steve Carell's graduation speech in Princeton University and although it was hilarious, it did have a hidden lesson I want to share with you. He talked about how things have changed, and how different it used to be in his time. People used to go to libraries to read, guys asked girls out in person, social media wasn't interfering in our daily lives. Now, we are too busy keeping up with all these sites to create real relationships. I'm sure you have all heard this before but unfortunately it is true. 

The problem is, we need to stay connected to the social media in order to remain competent in the business world.  
However, we always have to remember that at the end of the day, it is those moments you spent with your family and laughed with your friends that you'll cherish the most. In 20 years, I know I won't regret the e-mail I didn't send or the homework I forgot to hand in. I'll regret the family activities I missed and the friends I should have spent more time with. 
So just keep time available, just once a week, to put the cellphones and computers down and have some good ole fun. 

Like Steve Carell said: Once in a while 'Put something positive to the world, do something kind, make somebody laugh and don't take yourself too seriously'. 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

There's just something about starting

Taking that first step is always so hard. The scariest moment of an oral presentation is probably that nanosecond before you are about to speak. The most difficult part of an essay is opening a Word document and actually starting to write it. Now why is that? 
Are we getting that used to convenience that we paralyze and freeze as soon as anything that's out of our routine or our comfort zone comes our way? 
Studies say it takes 30 days to make something a routine; whether it is putting on sunblock everyday, reading or doing exercise. Sounds easy enough; yet those first 30 days seem like such a burden for us, many will simply decide it is not worth it.

Yesterday I read 'Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway' (by Earl Nightingale) and it is completely true. 
What separates successful from non successful people is exactly that. Successful people never gave up, they started and never stopped improving. 

A trick: Never allow yourself to go to bed without doing what you were supposed to do. 

Even if it is washing your face or doing 20 push ups, don't allow any exceptions because later on exceptions will become the routine again and this will prevent change. 

Whatever your goal or your dream is, start from the beginning and always keep going. 100% guaranteed that you'll succeed. Sure you'll probably stumble but never let that keep you from getting up and keep going. 

I believe in you. Believe in yourself. 

Let's do this !


P.S.: 'If it's not scary, it's not big enough' 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Valentines day present ideas for your loved one

Ahh February.. the red month, for some it is time to hate love and for others to love love. I personally think Valentine's day is a cute holiday to remind those close to us that we love them and eat a LOT of chocolate. 

As always though, getting a present for a guy is quite close to impossible. There's always the problem of not wanting to give them the same ole same ole shirt, hat or perfume but then again .. what else is there?

Today I'm going to give you some inexpensive ideas on what to get your significant other based on what I've done this past year and some recent ideas I've had. 

1. A radio for the shower. 
     My boyfriend loves to sing but obviously not in front of everyone so this is a perfect idea to let his inner singer come out in a safe environment. It sells for $9.99 in Bed, Bath & Beyond and it is waterproof so it won't get damaged. It's called the Conair® Hang On Shower Radio.

2. Make him or order a personalized album. 
    There's nothing more amazing than receiving or giving something that only identifies you two. You can always buy an album, print out some pictures and make him a collage. You can put funny comments or inside jokes and it is something he will have forever. If you're too lazy to go through all that work, go to your local Walgreens Photo Album and get a customized album from $4.99 to $59.99 depending on size, amount and quality of pictures. 

3. Homemade puzzle 
    It is super easy to make and very thoughtful. What you do is take a cardboard and draw what you want or just print a pic and put it there. Then, cover it with contact paper to make it stronger and with a pencil draw the puzzle pieces. Take a scissor, cut them out and there you go. 

4. Search online 
   Websites like Urban Outfitters Valentines Shop and Ebay Unique Gift ideas always have unique and non conventional presents at reasonable prices that are perfect. 

5. A personalized mug 
    If your man loves to drink coffee or tea or just likes to use a mug all the time. Give him a personalized one. In Walgreens Mug you can also customize them either with a picture or a quote about your relationship. He will use it every day and it's a reminder of you. 

6. Paris night 
   Buy a baguette, some cheese and a nice wine and make your own night in Paris under the stars. Romantic and very classy. 

7. Tickets for a game 
  Practically every guy likes sports so get him a tickets for his favorite team and go watch them together. Enjoy a nice day doing what he loves. 

So that's all I've got! Hopefully this was helpful. I hope you all have an amazing Valentines Day and remember, it is a day to embrace and be grateful of loving and being loved it doesn't matter if it's by a boyfriend, family, friends or pet! 
